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Coronal Mass Ejection
Catalog: M2M_CATALOG
Start Time: 2024-10-07T20:12Z ( SOHO: LASCO/C2 )
All Detecting Spacecrafts:
Activity ID: 2024-10-07T20:12:00-CME-001 (version 3)
Source Location: S16W85
Active Region Number: 13842
Note Keyword:
FOV: Front Bright front; may be evidence of pileup
PRM: Prominence material (filamentary structures)
Source Signature Keyword:
FLR: Flare
PEA: Post eruption arcade
OFL: Moving/Opening field lines
BR: Brightening
Morphology Keyword:
F: Flux Rope
L: Loop
Note: Wide, bright CME seen to the southwest in SOHO C2/C3 seemingly composed of two or more overlapping loops with internal structure clearly visible and no cavity. Presence of very faint shock may possibly be seen due south in LASCO C2 running difference imagery and may begin to reveal itself to the north-northeast in late SOHO frames after 22:30Z, though disjoint from the main CME body. Associated with a sympathetic eruption resulting from the long duration X2.1/X1.0-class flares (AR3842) located farther behind the southwestern limb than where the X2.1 takes place (W60) as seen in SDO AIA 171 imagery; the CME appears to originate closer to the southwestern limb. Fast, widely opening field lines are also observed in GOES SUVI 284.
Submitted on 2025-02-04T17:37Z by Chris
A Notification with ID
20241008-AL-001 was sent on 2024-10-08T00:22Z
A Notification with ID
20241008-AL-007 was sent on 2024-10-08T18:58Z
The List of CME Analysis already entered: |
Event Type |
Catalog |
Measurement TypeCME measurement type: Leading Edge (LE), Shock Front (SH), Right Hand Boundary (RHB), Left Hand Boundary (LHB), Black/White Boundary (BW), Prominence Core (COR), Disconnection Front (DIS), Trailing Edge (TE). |
Prime?"primary flag" which is either True or False. If there are multiple CME analysis entries for a single CME, this flag would indicate which analysis is considered most accurate per measurement type. This is a helpful flag if you would like to download only one most accurate CME analysis per CME per Measurement Type |
Technique |
Long |
Lat |
Speed |
Type |
Half Width |
Time 21.5 |
Note |
WSA-ENLIL+Cone Result(s) |
Submitted By |
CME Analysis
true |
StereoCAT |
89.0 |
-32.0 |
757.0 |
C |
46.0 |
2024-10-08T01:17Z |
STEREOCat one-spacecraft (SOHO) bulk measurement with plane of sky angle set to -2 degrees in order to fix longitude; SWPC_Cat measurements of the leading edge of the CME best fit longitudes near 45 degrees west given the CMEs rounded appearance and presence in the south, which were felt to be unrealistic given the source location of the eruption. |
1: Result 1 (2.0 AU)
Mars = 2024-10-12T21:00Z
2: Result 2 (5.5 AU)
Juno = 2024-10-27T18:00Z
Mars = 2024-10-12T21:00Z
3: Result 3 (2.0 AU)
Mars = 2024-10-12T22:00Z
STEREO A = 2024-10-11T16:00Z
4: Result 4 (5.5 AU)
Juno = 2024-10-27T18:00Z
Mars = 2024-10-12T22:00Z
STEREO A = 2024-10-11T16:00Z
Chris Stubenrauch on 2024-10-08T00:28Z |
CME Analysis
true |
26.0 |
-2.0 |
1345.0 |
O |
48.0 |
2024-10-07T23:19Z |
Shock measurement using one spacecraft (SOHO) C2 and C3 images which fits the widest extent of the south and southwestern portions of the CME leading edge as well as a north-northeastern portion that reveals itself in later SOHO frames after 22:30Z which is assumed to be part of the CME shock, though it is disjoint. This measurement is in support of solar energetic particle modeling activities, and as such, is not an approximation of the source location and should not be used for trajectory analysis. |
1: Result 1 (2.0 AU)
Earth = 2024-10-09T18:09Z
Lucy = 2024-10-09T14:49Z
Mars = 2024-10-10T22:58Z
STEREO A = 2024-10-09T15:31Z
Chris Stubenrauch on 2024-10-08T00:30Z |
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